Becoming a Social Manufacturer

With the ever increasing use of social media, Universal Blower Pac is evolving to create a presence in such channels.  UBP now has a Facebook page, a YouTube channel, as well as a Google+ page and a LinkedIn page! But why does this matter? Why should anyone care if we tweet, post, “like,” poke or any other fancy catchphrase from the newest social network?  Really, it doesn’t matter what you call it.  UBP joined these sites to converse.  To have conversations with clients, suppliers, the community and more. 

One example is our newly launched Skype feature on our website.  This allows for instant communication with Universal Blower Pac through the use of Skype, on your computer or phone (FYI, our user name is “universalblowerpac”).  The point, simply, is ease of use and accessibility.

The marketing game has changed.  No longer can companies operate in isolation – consumers expect more.  More communication, more creativity, more connections.  That’s why we’re striving to become a more social company – one that you can connect with, through whatever channel best suits you!