The EE-Pac: UBP’s Newest Blower Package

EE-Pac Energy Efficiency
The EE-Pac was spawned due to the increasing demand for energy efficient equipment within the industry.  The EE-Pac is a variable flow, variable pressure machine that remains efficient across a wide range of operating conditions.

Flow Measurement & Average Demand

Proper equipment design begins with a thorough understanding of your process requirements. All design engineers are concerned with the quality of a particular air delivery solution, but many have not adequately modeled the problem. Sometimes the end result is a quality system that when placed into operation is not at all suited for the real world application.

Case Study: Chesterton, IN Blower Power Consumption Analysis

Universal Blower Pac has been asked to explore the benefit of upgrading the Chesterton, IN Fritz C. Dietrich Environmental Control Facility with high efficiency blower systems. The intent is to reduce power consumption and the corresponding cost to operate the equipment. The current blower system, power consumption, and ongoing operating cost has been evaluated and compared with three different proposed blower systems.

To download the full analysis click here: Case Study: Chesterton, IN

The History of Universal Blower Pac, Inc.

Universal Blower Pac was founded in May of 1979 by Ray Fiechter.  UBP was founded because there was a lack of customization regarding blower packages in the pneumatic conveying industry.  From his time working as a sales manager for a bare blower manufacturer, Ray noticed that the current manufacturers were limited in their ability to provide a customized solution to their clients.  In certain instances the manufacturer’s representative would package the equipment for their regional customers!   He felt that this gaping hole in the industry could be filled by an independent blower package manufacturer.  Thus UBP came into existence.

The Original Manufacturer

Blowers are a commodity, so it doesn’t matter who provides them, right?  Although a blower is a small part of the overall cost, it is actually the “heart” of the system that all other components rely on.  Without the blower, nothing operates as it should.  To avoid getting a lesser quality blower package, many engineers exclude packagers from their specifications.  Is this really the best solution?  The only remaining option becomes a factory package; however, this limits you on model selection and a standardized package without many possible modifications.